Source code for factor_analyzer.rotator

Class to perform various rotations of factor loading matrices.

:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:author: Nitin Madnani (
:organization: Educational Testing Service
:date: 2022-09-05

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

ORTHOGONAL_ROTATIONS = ["varimax", "oblimax", "quartimax", "equamax", "geomin_ort"]

OBLIQUE_ROTATIONS = ["promax", "oblimin", "quartimin", "geomin_obl"]


[docs] class Rotator(BaseEstimator): """ Perform rotations on an unrotated factor loading matrix. The Rotator class takes an (unrotated) factor loading matrix and performs one of several rotations. Parameters ---------- method : str, optional The factor rotation method. Options include: (a) varimax (orthogonal rotation) (b) promax (oblique rotation) (c) oblimin (oblique rotation) (d) oblimax (orthogonal rotation) (e) quartimin (oblique rotation) (f) quartimax (orthogonal rotation) (g) equamax (orthogonal rotation) (h) geomin_obl (oblique rotation) (i) geomin_ort (orthogonal rotation) Defaults to 'varimax'. normalize : bool or None, optional Whether to perform Kaiser normalization and de-normalization prior to and following rotation. Used for 'varimax' and 'promax' rotations. If ``None``, default for 'promax' is ``False``, and default for 'varimax' is ``True``. Defaults to ``None``. power : int, optional The exponent to which to raise the promax loadings (minus 1). Numbers should generally range from 2 to 4. Defaults to 4. kappa : float, optional The kappa value for the 'equamax' objective. Ignored if the method is not 'equamax'. Defaults to 0. gamma : int, optional The gamma level for the 'oblimin' objective. Ignored if the method is not 'oblimin'. Defaults to 0. delta : float, optional The delta level for 'geomin' objectives. Ignored if the method is not 'geomin_*'. Defaults to 0.01. max_iter : int, optional The maximum number of iterations. Used for 'varimax' and 'oblique' rotations. Defaults to 1000. tol : float, optional The convergence threshold. Used for 'varimax' and 'oblique' rotations. Defaults to 1e-5. Attributes ---------- loadings_ : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_features``, ``n_factors``) The loadings matrix. rotation_ : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_factors``, ``n_factors``) The rotation matrix. phi_ : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or None The factor correlations matrix. This only exists if ``method`` is 'oblique'. Notes ----- Most of the rotations in this class are ported from R's ``GPARotation`` package. References ---------- [1] Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer, Rotator >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> >>> rotator = Rotator() >>> rotator.fit_transform(fa.loadings_) array([[-0.07693215, 0.04499572, 0.76211208], [ 0.01842035, 0.05757874, 0.01297908], [ 0.06067925, 0.70692662, -0.03311798], [ 0.11314343, 0.84525117, -0.03407129], [ 0.15307233, 0.5553474 , -0.00121802], [ 0.77450832, 0.1474666 , 0.20118338], [ 0.7063001 , 0.17229555, -0.30093981], [ 0.83990851, 0.15058874, -0.06182469], [ 0.76620579, 0.1045194 , -0.22649615], [ 0.81372945, 0.20915845, 0.07479506]]) """ def __init__( self, method="varimax", normalize=True, power=4, kappa=0, gamma=0, delta=0.01, max_iter=500, tol=1e-5, ): """Initialize the rotator class.""" self.method = method self.normalize = normalize self.power = power self.kappa = kappa self.gamma = gamma = delta self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.loadings_ = None self.rotation_ = None self.phi_ = None def _oblimax_obj(self, loadings): # noqa: D401 """ The Oblimax function objective. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix Returns ------- gradient_dict : dict A dictionary containing the following keys: (1) ``grad`` : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, containing the gradients. (2) ``criterion`` : float, containing the criterion for the objective. """ gradient = -( 4 * loadings**3 / (np.sum(loadings**4)) - 4 * loadings / (np.sum(loadings**2)) ) criterion = np.log(np.sum(loadings**4)) - 2 * np.log(np.sum(loadings**2)) return {"grad": gradient, "criterion": criterion} def _quartimax_obj(self, loadings): """ Quartimax function objective. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix. Returns ------- gradient_dict : dict A dictionary containing the following keys: (1) ``grad`` : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, containing the gradients. (2) ``criterion`` : float, containing the criterion for the objective. """ gradient = -(loadings**3) criterion = -np.sum(np.diag(**2).T, loadings**2))) / 4 return {"grad": gradient, "criterion": criterion} def _oblimin_obj(self, loadings): # noqa: D401 """ The Oblimin function objective. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix Returns ------- gradient_dict : dict A dictionary containing the following keys: (1) ``grad`` : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, containing the gradients. (2) ``criterion`` : float, containing the criterion for the objective. """ X =**2, np.eye(loadings.shape[1]) != 1) if self.gamma != 0: p = loadings.shape[0] X = np.diag(np.full(1, p)) -, p)), X) gradient = loadings * X criterion = np.sum(loadings**2 * X) / 4 return {"grad": gradient, "criterion": criterion} def _quartimin_obj(self, loadings): # noqa: D401 """ The Quartimin function objective. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix. Returns ------- gradient_dict : dict A dictionary containing the following keys: (1) ``grad`` : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, containing the gradients. (2) ``criterion`` : float, containing the criterion for the objective. """ X =**2, np.eye(loadings.shape[1]) != 1) gradient = loadings * X criterion = np.sum(loadings**2 * X) / 4 return {"grad": gradient, "criterion": criterion} def _equamax_obj(self, loadings): # noqa: D401 """ The Equamax function objective. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix. Returns ------- gradient_dict : dict A dictionary containing the following keys: (1) ``grad`` : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, containing the gradients. (2) ``criterion`` : float, containing the criterion for the objective. """ p, k = loadings.shape N = np.ones(k) - np.eye(k) M = np.ones(p) - np.eye(p) loadings_squared = loadings**2 f1 = ( (1 - self.kappa) * np.sum(np.diag(,, N)))) / 4 ) f2 = ( self.kappa * np.sum(np.diag(,, loadings_squared)))) / 4 ) gradient = (1 - self.kappa) * loadings * loadings_squared, N ) + self.kappa * loadings *, loadings_squared) criterion = f1 + f2 return {"grad": gradient, "criterion": criterion} def _geomin_obj(self, loadings): # noqa: D401 """ The Geomin function objective. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix. Returns ------- gradient_dict : dict A dictionary containing the following keys: (1) ``grad`` : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, containing the gradients. (2) ``criterion`` : float, containing the criterion for the objective. """ p, k = loadings.shape loadings2 = loadings**2 + pro = np.exp(np.log(loadings2).sum(1) / k) rep = np.repeat(pro, k, axis=0).reshape(p, k) gradient = (2 / k) * (loadings / loadings2) * rep criterion = np.sum(pro) return {"grad": gradient, "criterion": criterion} def _oblique(self, loadings, method): """ Perform oblique rotations, except 'promax'. A generic function for performing all oblique rotations, except for promax, which is implemented separately. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix method : str The obligue rotation method to use. Returns ------- loadings : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_features``, ``n_factors``) The loadings matrix rotation_mtx : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_factors``, ``n_factors``) The rotation matrix phi : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_factors``, ``n_factors``) The factor correlations matrix. This only exists if the rotation is oblique. """ if method == "oblimin": objective = self._oblimin_obj elif method == "quartimin": objective = self._quartimin_obj elif method == "geomin_obl": objective = self._geomin_obj # initialize the rotation matrix _, n_cols = loadings.shape rotation_matrix = np.eye(n_cols) # default alpha level alpha = 1 rotation_matrix_inv = np.linalg.inv(rotation_matrix) new_loadings =, rotation_matrix_inv.T) obj = objective(new_loadings) gradient =,["grad"], rotation_matrix_inv)).T criterion = obj["criterion"] obj_t = objective(new_loadings) # main iteration loop, up to `max_iter`, calculate the gradient for _ in range(0, self.max_iter + 1): gradient_new = gradient - rotation_matrix, np.diag([0]), rotation_matrix * gradient)), ) s = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diag(, gradient_new)))) if s < self.tol: break alpha = 2 * alpha # calculate the Hessian of the objective function for _ in range(0, 11): X = rotation_matrix - alpha * gradient_new v = 1 / np.sqrt([0]), X**2)) new_rotation_matrix =, np.diag(v)) new_loadings =, np.linalg.inv(new_rotation_matrix).T) obj_t = objective(new_loadings) improvement = criterion - obj_t["criterion"] if improvement > 0.5 * s**2 * alpha: break alpha = alpha / 2 rotation_matrix = new_rotation_matrix criterion = obj_t["criterion"] gradient =, obj_t["grad"]), np.linalg.inv(new_rotation_matrix), ).T # calculate phi phi =, rotation_matrix) # convert loadings matrix to data frame loadings = new_loadings.copy() return loadings, rotation_matrix, phi def _orthogonal(self, loadings, method): """ Perform orthogonal rotations, except 'varimax'. A generic function for performing all orthogonal rotations, except for varimax, which is implemented separately. Parameters ---------- loadings : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` The loading matrix method : str The orthogonal rotation method to use. Returns ------- loadings : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` The loadings matrix rotation_mtx : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_factors``, ``n_factors``) The rotation matrix """ if method == "oblimax": objective = self._oblimax_obj elif method == "quartimax": objective = self._quartimax_obj elif method == "equamax": objective = self._equamax_obj elif method == "geomin_ort": objective = self._geomin_obj arr = loadings.copy() # initialize the rotation matrix _, n_cols = arr.shape rotation_matrix = np.eye(n_cols) # default alpha level alpha = 1 new_loadings =, rotation_matrix) obj = objective(new_loadings) gradient =, obj["grad"]) criterion = obj["criterion"] obj_t = objective(new_loadings) # main iteration loop, up to `max_iter`, calculate the gradient for _ in range(0, self.max_iter + 1): M =, gradient) S = (M + M.T) / 2 gradient_new = gradient -, S) s = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diag(, gradient_new)))) if s < self.tol: break alpha = 2 * alpha # calculate the Hessian of the objective function for _ in range(0, 11): X = rotation_matrix - alpha * gradient_new U, _, V = np.linalg.svd(X) new_rotation_matrix =, V) new_loadings =, new_rotation_matrix) obj_t = objective(new_loadings) if obj_t["criterion"] < (criterion - 0.5 * s**2 * alpha): break alpha = alpha / 2 rotation_matrix = new_rotation_matrix criterion = obj_t["criterion"] gradient =, obj_t["grad"]) # convert loadings matrix to data frame loadings = new_loadings.copy() return loadings, rotation_matrix def _varimax(self, loadings): """ Perform varimax (orthogonal) rotation, with optional Kaiser normalization. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix. Returns ------- loadings : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_features``, ``n_factors``) The loadings matrix. rotation_mtx : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_factors``, ``n_factors``) The rotation matrix. """ X = loadings.copy() n_rows, n_cols = X.shape if n_cols < 2: return X # normalize the loadings matrix # using sqrt of the sum of squares (Kaiser) if self.normalize: normalized_mtx = np.apply_along_axis( lambda x: np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2)), 1, X.copy() ) X = (X.T / normalized_mtx).T # initialize the rotation matrix # to N x N identity matrix rotation_mtx = np.eye(n_cols) d = 0 for _ in range(self.max_iter): old_d = d # take inner product of loading matrix # and rotation matrix basis =, rotation_mtx) # transform data for singular value decomposition using updated formula : # B <- t(x) %*% (z^3 - z %*% diag(drop(rep(1, p) %*% z^2))/p) diagonal = np.diag(np.squeeze(np.repeat(1, n_rows).dot(basis**2))) transformed =**3 - / n_rows) # perform SVD on # the transformed matrix U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(transformed) # take inner product of U and V, and sum of S rotation_mtx =, V) d = np.sum(S) # check convergence if d < old_d * (1 + self.tol): break # take inner product of loading matrix # and rotation matrix X =, rotation_mtx) # de-normalize the data if self.normalize: X = X.T * normalized_mtx else: X = X.T # convert loadings matrix to data frame loadings = X.T.copy() return loadings, rotation_mtx def _promax(self, loadings): """ Perform promax (oblique) rotation, with optional Kaiser normalization. Parameters ---------- loadings : array-like The loading matrix Returns ------- loadings : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_features``, ``n_factors``) The loadings matrix rotation_mtx : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, shape (``n_factors``, ``n_factors``) The rotation matrix phi : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or None, shape (``n_factors``, ``n_factors``) The factor correlations matrix. This only exists if the rotation is oblique. """ X = loadings.copy() _, n_cols = X.shape if n_cols < 2: return X if self.normalize: # pre-normalization is done in R's # `kaiser()` function when rotate='Promax'. array = X.copy() h2 = np.diag(, array.T)) h2 = np.reshape(h2, (h2.shape[0], 1)) weights = array / np.sqrt(h2) else: weights = X.copy() # first get varimax rotation X, rotation_mtx = self._varimax(weights) Y = X * np.abs(X) ** (self.power - 1) # fit linear regression model coef =, X)),, Y)) # calculate diagonal of inverse square try: diag_inv = np.diag(sp.linalg.inv(, coef))) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: diag_inv = np.diag(sp.linalg.pinv(, coef))) # transform and calculate inner products coef =, np.diag(np.sqrt(diag_inv))) z =, coef) if self.normalize: # post-normalization is done in R's # `kaiser()` function when rotate='Promax' z = z * np.sqrt(h2) rotation_mtx =, coef) coef_inv = np.linalg.inv(coef) phi =, coef_inv.T) # convert loadings matrix to data frame loadings = z.copy() return loadings, rotation_mtx, phi
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Compute the factor rotation. Parameters ---------- X : array-like The factor loading matrix, shape (``n_features``, ``n_factors``) y : ignored Returns ------- self Example ------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer, Rotator >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> >>> rotator = Rotator() >>> """ self.fit_transform(X) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """ Compute the factor rotation, and return the new loading matrix. Parameters ---------- X : array-like The factor loading matrix, shape (``n_features``, ``n_factors``) y : Ignored Returns ------- loadings_ : :obj:`numpy,ndarray`, shape (``n_features``, ``n_factors``) The loadings matrix. Raises ------ ValueError If ``method`` is not in the list of acceptable methods. Example ------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer, Rotator >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> >>> rotator = Rotator() >>> rotator.fit_transform(fa.loadings_) array([[-0.07693215, 0.04499572, 0.76211208], [ 0.01842035, 0.05757874, 0.01297908], [ 0.06067925, 0.70692662, -0.03311798], [ 0.11314343, 0.84525117, -0.03407129], [ 0.15307233, 0.5553474 , -0.00121802], [ 0.77450832, 0.1474666 , 0.20118338], [ 0.7063001 , 0.17229555, -0.30093981], [ 0.83990851, 0.15058874, -0.06182469], [ 0.76620579, 0.1045194 , -0.22649615], [ 0.81372945, 0.20915845, 0.07479506]]) """ # default phi to None # it will only be calculated # for oblique rotations phi = None method = self.method.lower() if method == "varimax": (new_loadings, new_rotation_mtx) = self._varimax(X) elif method == "promax": (new_loadings, new_rotation_mtx, phi) = self._promax(X) elif method in OBLIQUE_ROTATIONS: (new_loadings, new_rotation_mtx, phi) = self._oblique(X, method) elif method in ORTHOGONAL_ROTATIONS: (new_loadings, new_rotation_mtx) = self._orthogonal(X, method) else: raise ValueError( "The value for `method` must be one of the " "following: {}.".format(", ".join(POSSIBLE_ROTATIONS)) ) (self.loadings_, self.rotation_, self.phi_) = ( new_loadings, new_rotation_mtx, phi, ) return self.loadings_